Joint Standoff Weapon (JSOW)
The JSOW family consists of multiple weapon variants. The AGM-154A configuration is used to attack fixed and relocateable soft targets such as parked aircraft, trucks, armored personnel carriers and surface-to-air missile sites. A modified version, the AGM-154A-1, includes a BLU-111 warhead. The AGM-154C variant incorporates a 500-pound blast/fragmentation/penetrator warhead effective against fixed-point targets such as industrial facilities, logistical systems and hardened tactical targets. This variant uses an uncooled, long-wave imaging infrared seeker with autonomous target acquisition for precise targeting. The latest variant, the JSOW C-1, is the Navy’s first air-to-ground network-enabled weapon capable of attacking stationary land and moving maritime targets. It includes GPS/INS guidance, terminal IR seeker and a Link 16 weapon data link.
JSOW A, A-1, C
Contractor: Raytheon Co.
Platforms: Navy: F/A-18 C/D, F/A-18 E/F, AV-8B, F-35B/C; Air Force: F-16 Block 40/50, B-1, B-2, B-52, F-15, F-117, A-10, F-35A
Date deployed: January 1999
Length: 160 inches (4.1 meters)
Diameter: Box-shaped, 13 inches (33.02 cm) on a side
Wingspan: 106 inches (2.69 meters)
Weight: 1,065 pounds (approximate)
Guidance System: GPS/INS (Global Position/Inertial), Terminal IR Seeker (AGM-154C unique)
Warhead: AGM-154A/145 BLU-97 combined-effects bomblets; AGM-154A-1, 500-pound BLU-111 warhead; AGM-154B, six P3I BLU-108 sensor-fuzed-weapon submunitions; AGM-154C, Broach multi-stage warhead
Contractor: Raytheon Co.
Platforms: F/A-18E/F, F-35A/C
Initial operational capability: 2016
Length: 160 inches (4.1 meters)
Diameter: Box-shaped, 13 inches (33.02 cm) on a side
Wingspan: 106 inches (2.69 meters)
Weight: 1,065 pounds (approximate)
Guidance System: Link-16 data link, GPS/INS, terminal IR seeker
Warhead: Broach multi-stage warhead