Standoff Land Attack Missile Expanded Response (SLAM-ER)
The AGM-84K SLAM-ER is an air-launched, day/night, adverse-weather, over-the-horizon, precision strike missile that provides a long range option for pre-planned and target of opportunity missions against land and sea targets. SLAM-ER roots go back to the original Harpoon anti-ship missile placed in fleet service in the late 1970s. Because of emerging operational requirements, the SLAM was developed as a derivative of the Harpoon. SLAM-ER incorporates a global positioning system-aided guidance system; imaging infrared seeker and two-way data link for man-in-the-loop control; improved missile aerodynamic performance characteristics that allow both long range and flexible terminal attack profiles; an ordnance section with good penetrating power and lethality. SLAM-ER uses automatic target acquisition, a revolutionary technology that helps improve target acquisition in cluttered scenes, overcomes most infrared countermeasures and mitigates the effects of environmentally degraded conditions. The SLAM-ER can be launched and controlled by F/A-18C/D/E/F and P-3 platforms.
Primary function: Long-range, air-launched precision land and sea attack cruise missile
Contractor: The Boeing Co.
Date deployed: June 2000
Propulsion: Teledyne Turbojet (thrust is greater than 600 pounds)
Length: 172 inches (4.4 m)
Diameter: 13.5 inches (34.3 cm)
Wingspan: 7.2 feet (2.2 m)
Weight: 1,488 pounds (674.5 kg)
Speed: High subsonic
Ordnance: 500-pound Tomahawk Derivative Titanium
Guidance system: Ring Laser Gyro inertial navigation system (INS) with multi-channel GPS; infrared seeker for terminal guidance with man-in-the-Loop control data-link from the controlling aircraft. Upgraded missiles incorporate automatic target acquisition (ATA).