Tactical Aircraft Moving Map Capability (TAMMAC)
• The mission of the Tactical Aircraft Moving Map Capability (TAMMAC) team is to develop, procure, deploy and support a common tactical aircraft moving map and data loading capability, and replace…

Sensors Low Probability of Intercept Altimeter (LPIA)

Collision Avoidance Solutions (CAS)
The Collision Avoidance Solutions (CAS) team manages multiple development and procurement efforts in PMA-209 to provide safety products to Navy and Marine Corps tactical aircraft. Programs and…

Commons Systems Integration Lab (CSIL)
• The Commons System Integration Lab (CSIL) is an Independent Validation and Verification (IV&V) test facility that provides expertise and resources to NAVAIR Programs of Record and other…
Communication, Navigation, Surveillance/Air Traffic Management (CNS/ATM)
The PMA-209 CNS/ATM team acquires, integrates, and certifies communication, navigation and surveillance systems in Navy and Marine Corps aircraft to comply with national and worldwide civil and…

Shipboard Variant Air Conditioner (SVAC)
The Shipboard Variant Air Conditioner is an electric powered unit used to supply conditioned air to the AV-8, E-2, EA-6B, EA-18G, FA-18 & F-35 equipment and avionics compartments during…

Electronic Consolidated Support System (eCASS)
The electronic Consolidated Support System (eCASS) is the Navy's 21st century Automated Test System (ATS) used to support repairs of AV-8, E-2D, EA-18G, FA-18, F-35, H-1, H-53, H-60, T-45 & V…

Land Based Variant Air Conditioner (LVAC)
The Land Based Variant Air Conditioner is a diesel/electric powered unit used to supply conditioned air to the AV-8, E-2, EA-6B, EA-18G, FA-18 & F-35 equipment and avionics compartments during…
Shipboard Tow Tractor (STT)
The Shipboard Tow Tractor’s primary role is the handling of aircraft aboard the flight deck of naval ships (CVNs & LHA/LHDs). In addition to maneuvering aircraft, the STT is required to…

AN/ARC-210(V) Radio Communications System
The AN/ARC-210(V) system is installed on over 140 airborne, seaborne and land-based DoD platforms. It has been installed by over 40 allied and coalition partner nations around the globe

Air ASW Systems