Commons Systems Integration Lab (CSIL)

• The Commons System Integration Lab (CSIL) is an Independent Validation and Verification (IV&V) test facility that provides expertise and resources to NAVAIR Programs of Record and other customers to mitigate engineering risks, while supporting systems integration efforts during upgrades to naval air platform cockpits and associated systems


•The CSIL helps ensure the successful integration of platform capability requirements, both common and unique, and their sustainment for the life of the platform


•The CSIL is a multi-platform test facility that allows sharing of lab infrastructure and subject matter expertise, minimizing investment costs and maximizing support.  The CSIL test benches and test stands currently support the C-2A, E-2C, P-3C, C-130T, and E-6B platforms.  The lab also supports ADS-B (out) qualification testing, surveillance testing (Civil and Military), Joint Mission Planning System (JMPS), and VHF communications testing. 

•The CSIL specializes in avionic sub-system and platform system testing, with a proven track record of identifying performance & qualification issues prior to aircraft ground & flight test.  The CSIL IV&V test efforts reduce program risks early in the systems engineering process, avoiding millions of program/project costs and saving months of schedule. 

•CSIL testing ensures compatibility of functional and physical interfaces and confirms that system definition and designs meet customer requirements for newly designed upgraded platform cockpits.  Testing also verifies all legacy equipment interfaces correctly with the upgraded cockpit avionics.

•The CSIL provides the technical infrastructure that enables government personnel to oversee independent hardware-in-the-loop & software integration test activities and allows the sharing of lab infrastructure and Subject-Matter-Expertise (SMEs) across platforms, minimizing investments and maximizing support.