2022 MCAA Awards Banquet

Lt. Col. James Reynolds received the Michael A. Hough Marine Aviation Acquisitions Officer of the Year Award in a May 19 ceremony.

Reynolds awarded marine aviation acquisition officer of the year

Lt. Col. James Reynolds received the Michael A. Hough Marine Aviation Acquisitions Officer of the Year Award in a May 19 ceremony. The award was presented during the 50th Annual Marine Corps Aviation Association Symposium in San Diego.

“I was honored to hear of my nomination, but to win the award is a true reflection on just how good the PMA-274 team is,” said Reynolds, the deputy program manager for the presidential lift replacement helicopter (VH-92A). “I had a chance to stand on the shoulders of giants. Without this team, this recognition would not be possible.”

This award was established in honor of Lt. Gen. Mike Hough, who served as the deputy commandant for aviation and director of the Joint Strike Fighter Program, to recognize superior achievement and excellence by a Marine assigned to the acquisition field.

Reynolds’ nomination was one of many across all United States Marine Corps aviation and each award category was highly competitive, indicating exceptional leadership and dedication to mission accomplishment.

The award submission detailed his leadership and dedication to the mission highlighting his focus from program development to sustainment, which tackled long-term cost drivers, enacted unique sustainment strategy, along with long-term contractual vehicles that were realized in months, vice quarters. He put operational and sustainment saving efforts into effect early, resulting in calculated savings of multiple billions of dollars over the program’s lifecycle.

“LtCol Reynolds has time and again demonstrated what it is to lead by example and get the hard work done for this high-profile program,” said Col Eric Ropella, presidential lift replacement helicopters program manager (PMA-274). “This award recognizes his ability to develop solutions, create unity across multiple agencies, and shows his dedication to the mission by understanding and executing all aspects of the program management and acquisition process.”

Reynolds has led the program through Initial Operational Test and Evaluation (IOT&E) working closely with the Marine Corps’ Presidential Helicopter support squadron (HMX-1) and the White House Military Office (WHMO) to focus, develop, test, and implement solutions that lead to the declaration of Initial Operational Capability (IOC). WHMO now leads the commissioning program.

“My advice to future acquisition teammates is to stay warfighter focused and nurture and grow your relationships. At times, this business can seems to be only about the money, but it is really all about the people,” said Reynolds.


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