The Precision Strike Weapons Program Office, PMA-201, is responsible for research, development, acquisition and sustainment of the Navy's air-to-ground precision guided weapons, general-purpose bombs, aircraft armament-related equipment, and all cartridge/propellant actuated devices.

PMA-201 is organized into nine program areas. These teams consist of a multi-disciplinary group of government and contractor personnel who are collectively responsible for the total life-cycle management of the DoN's precision strike weapons capabilities. It has the largest NAVAIR Foreign Military Sales portfolio with 39 coalition partners.

Joint Standoff Weapon (JSOW)

The JSOW family consists of multiple weapon variants. The AGM-154A configuration is used to attack fixed and relocateable soft targets such as parked aircraft, trucks, armored personnel carriers and surface-to-air missile sites. A modified version, the AGM-154A-1, includes a BLU-111 warhead. The AGM-154C variant incorporates a 500-pound blast/fragmentation/penetrator warhead effective against fixed-point targets such as industrial facilities, logistical systems and hardened tactical targets.