New UAV Avionics Package Delivered
The second pre-production MIAG/IFF system has been delivered to the government, and marks the successful conclusion of a two year contract with Marconi Astronics (formerly Lear Astronics), of Santa Monica, CA.
Modular Integrated Avionics Group/Identification Friend or Foe (MIAG/IFF) is a new, lightweight avionics package, which replaces multiple unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) avionics subsystems, pulling them together into one unit. MIAG/IFF improves flight performance, and reduces weight and cost. The utility of the 20-pound unit includes primary and backup navigation, autopilot, flight stability control and processing, engine interface and control, mission loading and verification, payload control, in-flight mission updating, data link management, built-in test and monitoring, and internal power sources.
Initially, MIAG will be integrated into the Navy's Pioneer UAV. This multi-subsystem upgrade will increase the reliability of the relevant Pioneer functions, improve its center of gravity, and reduce the weight by up to 40 pounds. This will result in more space available for larger payloads or additional on-board fuel.
A MIAG (engineering development) model was integrated with Pioneer and flown successfully in July 1997. In April 1998, the government awarded Marconi Astronics a pre-production contract to deliver two MIAG systems in July 1999. A Pioneer engineering change proposal calls for the delivery of 15 MIAG equipped Pioneer UAVs plus six MIAG systems for spares. The government is considering the purchase of 30 MIAG systems during FY00.
The government has accepted the MIAG/IFF as fully qualified and ready for production. The cooperative effort of the contractor and the Navy satisfies Pioneer requirements and provides a product to enhance Pioneer's mission in the fleet.
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For further information contact:
Cathy Partusch, Public Affairs Officer, PEO (CU)
Voice: (301) 757-6316 Pager: (888) 534-6628
Email: [email protected]
Sandy Schroeder, Deputy Public Affairs Officer, PEO (CU)
Voice: (301) 757-5289
Email: [email protected]
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