Visual Landing Aids (VLA)
Day or night, visual, optical and surveillance systems enable shipboard takeoff, landing and situational awareness for Sailors on deck as well as approach and landing cues for pilots.
Current VLA includes flight deck status and signaling systems, hover position indicators and precision approach path indicators. The stabilized glide slope indicator, improved Fresnel lens optical landing system and manually operated visual landing aid system complement surveillance systems, like the integrated launch and recovery television surveillance system.
Next generation visual landing aid programs include upgrades to legacy ships with advanced aviation lighting system control panel sets, advanced flight deck lighting and multifunction displays.
VLA and NGVLA support fleet operations with sophisticated technologies on both current in-service ships and future generation ships including Zumwalt-class destroyers, littoral combat ships, joint high-speed vessels and amphibious transport dock ships.
VLA products:
Visual Aids:
- Next Generation Visual Landing Aids (NGVLA)
- Advanced Stabilized Glide Slope Indicator (ASGSI)
- Multifunction Display (MFD)
- Advanced Flight Deck Lighting (AFDL)
- Flight deck marking and lighting
- Night Vision Device (NVD) compatible lighting
- Hover position indicator, wave-off and wave-off out lights
- Flight deck status and signaling system
- Precision Approach Path Indicator (PAPI)
- Stabilized Glide Slope Indicator (SGSI)
Optical Aids:
- Vertical/Short takeoff Landing/Optical Landing System (VSTOL/OLS)
- Horizon Reference System (HRS)
- Fresnel Lens Optical Landing System (FLOLS)
- Improved Fresnel Lens Optical Landing System (IFLOLS)
- Long Range Line-up System (LRLS)
- Manually Operated Visual Landing Aid System (MOVLAS)
- Integrated Launch and Recovery Television Surveillance (ILARTS)
- Helicopter Observation Surveillance System (HOSS)