A retired, de-militarized, and restored VH-3D Marine One was officially inducted into the George H. W. Bush Presidential Library and Museum, College Station, Texas on 12 June 2024. Bureau number 159358 (BUNO 358) served United States presidents beginning with the Ford administration. The library and museum, located within the Texas A&M University campus unveiled the VH-3D inside the new pavilion that now houses the retired Marine One on what would have been President George H. W. Bush's 100th birthday.
Retired Marine One Finds Permanent Home at Presidential Library and Museum
A retired, de-militarized, and restored VH-3D Marine One was officially inducted into the George H. W. Bush Presidential Library and Museum, College Station, Texas in June 2024. The library and museum, located within the Texas A&M University campus, welcomed Presidential Helicopters Program Office (PMA-274) members, Bush family members, donors, and supporters to the grand opening of a new pavilion that now houses the retired Marine One.
Bureau number 159358 (BUNO 358) served United States presidents beginning with the Ford administration. The VH-3D was sent to Marine Expeditionary Helicopter One (HMX-1) in 1976, flew roughly 12,100 hours, and returned to PMA-274 Presidential Helicopter Support Facility (PHSF) in 2023 for its end of service life.
After locating a place for BUNO 358 and a year of planning between PMA-274, the George & Barbara Bush Foundation, and Clayton International, Inc., a small business contracted to transport the Sikorsky VH-3D helicopter was prepared and ready for transport from Patuxent River, Md. to College Station, Texas.
A joint program and maintenance team from PMA-274 PHSF and Clayton International, Inc., ensured the aircraft was treated with top-shelf inspection, maintenance, de-militarization, and white-glove care. The Marine One helicopter was brought to the PHSF in March 2023 and ready for transport by Clayton International, Inc. in February 2024.
“This was no easy effort,” said Col. Alex Ramthun, PMA-274 program manager. “The joint team worked hard to coordinate and prepare the retired and restored helicopter for its final resting place at the George H. W. Bush Presidential Library and Museum.”
On 27 February, the retired Marine One, BUNO 358, arrived in College Sation, Texas with a police escort motorcade.
The George & Barbara Bush Foundation launched a centennial commemoration, 41@100: A Celebration of George H.W. Bush, honoring the 100th anniversary of George H.W. Bush’s birth. In recognition of this centennial, the Bush Foundation opened a new 29,000 square foot pavilion at the George W. H. Bush Presidential Library & Museum.
On June 12, on what would have been President George H. W. Bush’s 100th birthday, in the presence of the Bush Family, Secretary Andrew H. Card, Jr., and hundreds of donors, the preserved Marine One was unveiled in the new pavilion.
The new pavilion houses the retired Marine One and 4141 Locomotive both which carried the 41st president. Both assets pay tribute to the life and legacy of the 41st president.
“We are proud of be part of this legacy and I am proud to work alongside these talented individuals who constantly impress me with their dedication to this no-fail mission,” said Ramthun.
PMA-274 expeditiously provides safe, ready, high-performing, and affordable aircraft, capabilities, and support to HMX-1.

The Presidential Helicopters Program Office (PMA-274) VH legacy team consisting of logistics and engineering, joined by Marine Corps representative, and a previous HMX-1 commanding officer stand in front of the retired VH-3D Marine One BUNO 358 inside the George H. W. Bush Presidential Library and Museum's new pavilion.