Precision Strike Weapons int’l team saves $9 million in foreign sales deal
The Navy’s Precision Strike Weapons program office (PMA-201) awarded a $3.1 billion business arrangement to The Boeing Company May 13, which includes 1,052 SLAM ER and Harpoon missiles for Saudi Arabia, plus 65 Harpoon missiles for other foreign partners.
The single business arrangement with Boeing consolidated contracts for multiple weapon system development, production, and sustainment efforts into two contracts. As a result, the U.S. government realized a cost avoidance of approximately $9 million through these actions.
PMA-201’s international customers will receive critical Harpoon and SLAM ER missile capability over the next eight years, while also keeping Boeing’s Harpoon and SLAM ER production line open to support critical U.S. Navy Anti-Surface Warfare requirements.
The team has also ensured the SLAM ER and Harpoon obsolescence redesign programs can seamlessly transition in program execution from the development phase directly into production, and ultimately into weapon sustainment under the two contracts.
Harpoon is an anti-ship and land-strike missions and features all-weather, over-the-horizon strike capability. SLAM ER is a combat-proven, all-weather, over-the-horizon, precision-strike missile.