Guided Bomb Unity being loaded onto F-35B

Peculiar Support Equipment (PSE)

Platform Peculiar Support Equipment (PSE) refers to equipment that has been specially designed or created for a particular aircraft. Due to its uniqueness and associated costs, the U.S. Navy must remain vigilant and diligent in ensuring the fleet gets the right equipment at the right price. NAWCAD LKE works to ensure PSE fully meets the demands of the fleet.

NAWCAD Lakehurst provides PSE support for a wide range of aircraft programs, including: AH-1W, AV-8B, C/MH-53E, E-2C, E-6/TACAMO, EA-6B, ES-3A, F-14, F/A-18C/D/E/F&G, H-60B/F/H/R.S, JSF, P-3C, P-8, T-6A, T-45, V-22 and UAV.

Prior and post fleet introduction, PSE undergoes rigid engineering processes to ensure the end products are fully capable of supporting fleet needs. Specifically, NAWCAD LKE performs a variety of functions related to PSE, including the test and evaluation of PSE; the install, design, planning and execution; fleet introduction; and in-service engineering support.