The Joint Simulation Environment (JSE) is a government owned and operated facility where warfighters can train in the highest fidelity simulation of the operational battlespace. JSE provides a physics-based computer environment capable of simultaneous interactions between manned aircraft simulators and thousands of virtual friendly and enemy air and surface entities. This allows the warfighter to execute testing, training, or tactics development and validation to an unprecedented level of fidelity. The density and realism of training experienced at NAWCAD's JSE enables warfighters to learn and improve at a pace unachievable anywhere else.
The Joint Simulation Environment offers full fifth-generation assessments not possible on open-air ranges. NAWCAD's JSE features a realistic, high-density threat environment and high-fidelity platform representation.
Integrated Warfighting Capability
It is impossible to scale live tests with limited participants to accurately assess theatre-wide, multi-platform capabilities.
Modern system-of-systems capability complexity makes open-air testing prohibitively expensive.
Realistic environments for high-end, multi-platform tactics training are severely limited.