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NAWCTSD Educational Outreach

The Naval Air Warfare Center Training Systems Division (NAWCTSD) is committed to energizing Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education in area schools by partnering scientists and engineers with teachers in classrooms to facilitate inquiry and design through project-based learning.

Our command has a vast portfolio of STEM engagement in our community which include:

  • DOD STARBASE Central Florida STEM Academy
  • Robotics and Scratch Programming
  • Volunteering at local schools' Teach-Ins, Career Fairs, and STEM Nights
  • Gains in Education of Mathematics and Science (GEMS) Summer Camp
  • Math and science Olympiads, Odyssey of the Mind
  • STEM educator development and training
  • Science fair competition judging
  • Summer and fall internships
  • Student and teacher mentoring, and peer to peer support and pairings
  • Providing opportunities for modeling and simulation activities and experiences such as Unity Engine, Maya 3D Animation Modeling and Sim, etc

At NAWCTSD we strive to reach a diverse population that is representative of our local Central Florida community. A number of our programs are specifically targeted towards underrepresented student populations.